Kalamazoo is home to world-class museums that help make the memories that visitors and locals cherish for a lifetime!
If you’re looking for creative ways to get of our your house and into a new environment without actually leaving your house, we’ve compiled a list of virtual experiences that our museums and attractions are offering.
Practice mindful meditation in nature or admire local art; join story time inside a cockpit or attend a virtual car show – no matter where you are or what you choose, Kalamazoo can come to you!
Featured photo by @carla_h_brooks
Reading with Raptors showcases the incredible group of raptors at the nature center, but also provides the birds of prey enrichment through this unique learning experience.
Reading with Raptors Schedule:
April 30th – The Old Man, Great Horned Owl
May 7th – The Princess, Red-tailed Hawk
May 14th – Dr. Who, Barred Owl
May 21st – The Queen, Red-tailed Hawk
May 28th – Gray, Eastern Screech Owl
June 4nd – The King, Red-tailed Hawk
June11th – Rufous, Eastern Screech Owl
Since we can’t enjoy the nature center trails, they created a Mindfulness Walkscript that you can access on your phone from anywhere! Use it to practice mindfulness in nature, in your neighborhood or even just inside your living room!
Go bird watching with John and Liam with this KNC video!
Bird Watching with John and Liam from Jim Triezenberg on Vimeo.
Livestream Digital Creature Features
Join the Kalamazoo Nature Center at 3 p.m. on Saturdays throughout April for livestreamed Creature Features via Facebook Live!
Livestream schedule:
April 11th – Box Turtle
April 18th – To Be Announced
April 25th – To Be Announced
Hear from one of their trained animal care staff on the important role animals have in the wild as well as getting digitally up close. Make sure to ask questions and have them answered from the comfort of your couch!
The Air Zoo’s Launchpad to Learning is a terrific resource to help keep yourself and your kiddos entertained while at home! These interactive videos are so much fun that the entire family won’t even realize they’re getting a history or science lesson in as well. Enjoy everything from hands on STEAM activities and historic fun facts to story time inside a T-28 Trojan cockpit!
Virtual Car Show – April 11
The Gilmore Car Museum is hosting their first EVER virtual car show on Saturday, April 11! Over 900 cars from all over the world are registered to be in attendance (virtually, of course). There’s no better way to have the largest car show on Earth!
If you want to be schooled in automobile history then tune in to Ken’s Korner, where the Gilmore’s Director of Hospitality and Programs Ken Fischang, gives a quick 2-3 minute history lesson!
Think you’re a car guru? Test your knowledge with this Gilmore quiz!
Young Artists of Kalamazoo County Virtual Exhibition
Every year, art teachers in the Kalamazoo County schools (private, public, and charter schools) submit a selection of works produced by their students, featured in an exhibition that is a delight to behold. In one of the KIA’s most popular shows each year, the galleries are filled with the most creative, colorful, whimsical art by young artists from kindergarten through eighth grades.
This year the exhibition has gone virtual! Be sure to check it out and share it with your friends.